School Rules
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- School Rules
- Be Punctual, report to school and class on time. School begins at 8:00 AM. if a student arrives in school after 8:00 he/she needs to report to the office to receive an admit /tardy slip. Students are discouraged from coming to school prior to 7:30 AM. because of lack of adult supervision. Students purchasing breakfast are allowed in the cafeteria at 7:15 AM.
- Strive to be present every school day. In case of absence, presents should call the school in the morning of the absence and notify the teacher in writing upon the student’s return to school.
- Respect each other at all time. Disagreements will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is fair to all concerned.
- Maintain order when moving to different areas. Do not run; running is a frequent cause of injuries.
- The following are not allowed in school unless prior permission is granted by the school staff :
- Radios, cell phone, pagers and other electrical equipment
- Yoyos, darts, sling shots, and other potentially dangerous toys
- Pets
- Kateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, razors
- Valuables, extra money, computer games, items of sentimental value
- Fireworks, matches
- Weapons or expensive toys
- Gum
- Remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus must have a students pass and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.(Leaving campus without consent is a class C offence, prohibited by DOE Rules)
- Do not climb trees, gates, railing, fences, and the school buildings.
- Respect the property rights of other.
- Leave the premises immediately after school duties/responsibilities are completed.
- Buying/selling of present items and trading are not allowed.
- be in your assigned seat/location, ready to works when the school bell rings.
- Bring paper, pencils, books and all necessary supplies everyday.
- Keep hands, feet, body, objects to yourself (HFBO).
- Follow directions
- Respect others. Swearing, rude gestures, cruel teasing or put- downs are prohibited.
Students are expected to attend school regularly and to attend all classes.
Students are excepted to be on time for school and classes.
Students are excepted to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have the necessary class material, to complete class work and home work accurately and on time, and to prepare for quizzes, tests and examinations.
Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat other with respect and courtesy. Behavior of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others. This includes the use of appropriate language, actions and attire. Students are excepted not harass others verbally and physically. Students are excepted to come to school free from the influence of tobacco products, alcohol or drugs. Students are excepted are excepted not to use or possess such substances.
Students are excepted to comply with all school rules and to abbey all laws. Students are excepted to respond in a respectful manner to all adults while under the jurisdiction of the school and while participating in school- sponsored activity
Students are excepted to treat all property belonging to the school and to other with care.
Students are excepted to contribute to a safe school environments free from fear. Acts of violence, weapons and contraband are never acceptable.
- Safety and fair play are essential. Playground equipment will be supervised by an adult, practice proper use at all time.
- Respect each other. Avoid bumping into or hurting other. Rough contact sports and game are not allowed.
- Report all accidents to the yard duty teacher or supervisor.
- Do not throw rocks, dirt or anything that may hurt others.
- Follow playground equipment rules at all times. Do not jump off playground equipment, take turn and go in the right direction.
- “freeze” when the bell rings. Be sure to situate yourselves with two feet firmly planted on the ground. Remain in the “freeze” position until the whistle blows, then walk back to your classroom.